Call 801-235-9944




That Caters to Your Needs



That Caters to Your Needs

Tailored Technique

Not every chiropractor uses a technique that will maximize patient relief, depending on individual symptoms. Techniques include Gonstead, Motion Palpation, Logan basic, Applied Kinesiology, Activator methods, and more. “Mainstream” chiropractic practitioners use manual manipulation (grade 5 mobilization) which facilitates “cavitation” or the audible release of a joint. There are many “light force” techniques that often incorporate instrumentation or muscle testing. Most techniques have a degree of efficacy. It’s just a matter of whether the patient’s condition fits well with that particular technique.

At Align, we are predominantly manual practitioners. We utilize a system of techniques called “Diversified.” This is a combination of techniques where you incorporate all of the different forms of manual manipulation utilizing those which are best suited to address each individual patient’s needs.

The focus and what technique we use is dependent on each, individual patient!

We emphasize specificity and isolation in this model. Using “motion palpation” (a technique where you touch and move each vertebrae or joint in the spine), we work to isolate each individual patient’s symptoms and trouble spots. This is an “

interpretive” or “intuitive” type methodology. In this manner, there is no guess work in your adjustment. The gift in good chiropractic lies in the ability to isolate your involvement. Once we have found your “pain generator,” we correlate this with you, confirming we are on the right spot, then deliver the adjustment, or what we preferably call the “correction”

We are passionate about tailoring the care we render specifically to each patient. We have coined this mechanically correct joint care. When adjusted in this fashion, the body will see improved function and optimal function results in improved or resolved symptoms and decreased propensity for future recurrences.

Treatment Models

Injury Model

Integrative/Multi-Disciplinary Model

At Align, we are a primary structural care center. We are chiropractic physicians, but when you come visit us, you open yourself up to all the options available in structural health care.

Over many years we have assembled an elite team of structural health care providers.

When you present for care, your injuries or condition are worked up to see if you are a good chiropractic candidate or if another discipline will best optimize your outcome. If your case is best treated with chiropractic care, we will treat you. When you may be more optimally treated by a different discipline, we refer you accordingly.


Common conditions/injuries respond to care in expected time frames. The goal is to optimize the functional integrity of the healing process. We thereby minimize any propensity for recurrence of problems in the injured area in the future! If you, as the patient, are “out of normal response,” this is recognized and further diagnostics/referral is made. Our intent is to minimize the amount of treatment needed to facilitate your desired outcome.

Wellness Model

Once we have helped you heal from the injuries/symptoms that brought you to us and you recognize the functional health benefits and how much better you feel as a result of “mechanically correct” joint care you may choose to utilize periodic wellness/preventive based care. Much like your dental check-ups, to prevent problems with your teeth, you can get adjusted periodically to prevent problems with your spine. (The difference being you can’t replace your spine.)

Adjustments, when administered in a “mechanically correct” manner, improve how you function and, when coupled with other pro-active strategies we employ (like functional rehab and at-home stretching), optimize your function and get you further away from symptoms manifesting in the first place.

Whether you are the athlete looking to enhance your performance or are like the rest of us, just looking to feel good and prevent problems, this model of care is extremely beneficial. Here we are looking for individuals interested in being “high functioning.”





2230 N University Parkway #6B

Provo, UT 84604

Assistance Hours

Mon – Sat 9:00am – 8:00pm

Sunday – CLOSED

2230 N University Pkwy #6b, Provo, UT 84604, USA

Office: 2230 N University Parkway #6B

Provo, UT 84604

Call 801-235-9944

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